YOU WANT YET more proof that we’re living in topsy-turvy land? People are drinking out of lightbulbs now. Lightbulbs.
The idea reached popular consciousness thanks to Darling café in Melbourne, Australia, whose colourful lightbulb smoothies went viral on Instagram.
But they’re not alone in this. The trend for serving drinks in lightbulbs appears to have originated in Asia, and has been slowly making its way across the world for months now.
Royaltea, a Toronto café, has made a name for itself on its lightbulb bubble tea:
Here’s iced coffee in lightbulbs in Singapore:
Another lightbulb smoothie in New York:
And a lightbulb lemonade in California, where they also have rainbow cheese toasties.
It’s an epidemic. And while some people are scoffing…
…Others are waiting hours in line to try them out.
Please, cafés: Just give us a glass. We would really, really appreciate an ordinary, no-frills glass right now. Can you do that for us?